CERD A/54/18 (1999)

291. At its 1337th meeting on 4 August 1999 (see CERD/C/SR.1337), the Committee reviewed the implementation of the Convention by Antigua and Barbuda in the absence of any report. The Committee noted with regret that no report had been submitted to the Committee since the State party's ratification of the Convention in 1988.

292. The Committee regretted that Antigua and Barbuda had not responded to its invitation to participate in the meeting and to furnish relevant information. The Committee decided that a communication should be sent to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda along with its report setting out its reporting obligations under the Convention and urging that the dialogue with the Committee should begin as soon as possible.

293. The Committee suggested that the Government of Antigua and Barbuda avail itself to the technical assistance offered under the advisory services and technical assistance programme of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the aim of drawing up and submitting as soon as possible a report drafted in accordance with the reporting guidelines.

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