Follow-up - State Reporting

Action by Treaty Bodies, Including Reports on Missions

CEDAW, A/62/38 part I (2007)


Request for a follow-up report

204. The Committee expresses its dissatisfaction with the lack of information provided by the State party in its report and in its answers to issues and questions posed by the Committee, on the impact of the Gujarat massacre on women, which negatively affected implementation of the Convention. While appreciating that some additional information on this issue was provided during the constructive dialogue and subsequently, the Committee did not find this information sufficient. Consequently, it requests the State party, in conformity with article 18, paragraph 1 (b), of the Convention, to submit a follow-up report in January 2008 for consideration by the Committee later in 2008. This follow-up report will not replace the submission of a combined fourth and fifth periodic report.

205. The follow-up report should include information on the impact of the Gujarat massacres on women. In particular, the report should provide information (a) disaggregated by sex, on the 2,000 or so cases relating to the massacres that have been reopened and the resolution of these cases; (b) on the number of cases of sexual assault and violence against women that have been reported and the resolution of such cases; (c) on victim protection measures and other measures to support victims that have been put in place and the impact of such measures; (d) on arrests made and punishments imposed, including on state officials who were found to be complicit in such crimes; (e) on the gender-specific measures taken by the State party to rehabilitate and compensate women victims of such crimes and the number of women who have benefited from such measures; (f) on compensation awarded to women victims, especially of violence against women; (g) disaggregated by sex, on the 5,000 or so Muslim families displaced by the violence and measures taken by the Government for their resettlement and rehabilitation; and (h) on measures taken to enable economic rehabilitation of the affected communities and rebuilding of basic infrastructures destroyed during the riots.


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