Special Decisions or Action Taken Re: Reporting

CCPR A/47/40

Annex VII

Special decisions by the Human Rights Committee concerning reports of particular States parties


B. Peru b/

The Human Rights Committee,

Having considered the second periodic report of Peru on 31 March and 1 April 1992, during its forty-fourth session in New York.

Taking note of the Peruvian delegation's request that the Government of Peru be permitted to answer in writing, within a period of three weeks, a number of questions raised by members of the Committee so that the Committee may conclude the consideration of the report during its forty-fifth session,

Taking into consideration the recent events in Peru that affect human rights protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

Acting under article 40, paragraph 1 (b), of that Covenant,

1. Decides to request the Government of Peru to submit, together with the above-mentioned answers, a supplementary report relating to events occurring subsequent to the consideration of the report, in particular in respect of the application of articles 4, 6, 7, 9, 19 and 25 of the Covenant, for discussion by the Committee during its forty-fifth session in July 1992 at Geneva;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to bring this decision to the attention of the Government of Peru.



            b/ Adopted by the Human Rights Committee at its forty-fourth session (1148th meeting), on 10 April 1992.

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