
[With regard to the signature of Cambodia to the Covenant,] [t]he signature was effected by Democratic Kampuchea. In this regard the Secretary-General received, on 5 November 1980, the following communication from the Government of Mongolia:

"The Government of the Mongolian People's Republic considers that only the People's Revolutionary Council of Kampuchea as the sole authentic and lawful representative of the Kampuchean people has the right to assume international obligations on behalf of the Kampuchean people. Therefore the Government of the Mongolian People's Republic considers that the signature of the Human Rights Covenants by the representative of the so-called Democratic Kampuchea, a régime that ceased to exist as a result of the people's revolution in Kampuchea, is null and void.

"The signing of the Human Rights Covenants by an individual, whose régime during its short period of reign in Kampuchea had exterminated about 3 million people and had thus grossly violated the elementary norms of human rights, each and every provision of the Human Rights Covenants is a regrettable precedence, which discredits the noble aims and lofty principles of the United Nations Charter, the very spirit of the above-mentioned Covenants, gravely impairs the prestige of the United Nations."

Thereafter, similar communications were received from the Government of the following States on the dates indicated and their texts were circulated as depositary notifications or, at the request of the States concerned, as official documents of the General Assembly (A-33-781 and A-35-784):


State                                                    Date of receipt


German Democratic Republic            11 Dec 1980


Poland                                                12 Dec 1980


Ukraine                                               16 Dec 1980


Hungary                                              19 Jan 1981


Bulgaria                                              29 Jan 1981


Belarus                                               18 Feb 1981


Russian Federation                             18 Feb 1981


Czechoslovakia                                  10 Mar 1981

(Note 4, Chapter IV.3, Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General)


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