The United Nations Human Rights Treaties


CCPR - Bolivia

List of all admissibility decisions

Case Name Comm Number Date Outcome
Fillastre and Bizouarn v. Bolivia 336/1988 06 November 1990 Admissible
Mendoza et al v. Bolivia 2491/2014 21 July 2017 Inadmissible

Information in this section of is as of May 2018. To update use the UN website search engine here.

CERD, CCPR, CESCR, CEDAW, CAT, CRC, CMW, CRPD and CED all have optional complaint mechanisms, whereby an individual may complain to the respective treaty body that his or her rights under the treaty have been violated. The CMW complaint mechanism is not yet in force.

Included in this section are:

  1. requests made by the treaty body for interim measures
  2. decisions to deal jointly with cases
  3. admissibility decisions (normally decisions determining a complaint is admissible are not issued separately and hence this category involves decisions in which complaints are found to be inadmissible)
  4. final views.

Information on follow-up of final Views where a violation has been found is included in the section entitled "Follow-up: Jurisprudence".