Fifty-fifth session

Item 116 (a) of the provisional agenda*

Human rights questions: implementation
of human rights instruments

                 Effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations under international instruments on human rights

                     Note by the Secretary-General**

           The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly the report of the persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies on their twelfth meeting, held at Geneva from 5 to 8 June 2000, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 49/178 of 23 December 1994.



         * A/55/150.

       ** In accordance with General Assembly resolution 54/248, section C, paragraph 1, this report is being submitted on 19 July 2000 so as to include as much updated information as possible.

                 Report of the chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies on their twelfth meeting

  I.  Introduction

1.        Since the adoption of its resolution 37/44 on 3 December 1982, the General Assembly has continuously kept under review the issue of the effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations under international instruments. Those matters have also received careful attention during the various sessions of human rights treaty bodies, at some of the meetings of States parties and at meetings of other organs such as the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights.

2.        The meetings of the chairpersons were convened by the Secretary-General biennially from 1988 until 1994 and, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 49/178 of 23 December 1994, annually since 1995. In its resolution 53/138, the Assembly welcomed the reports of the chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies on their ninth and tenth meetings, held at Geneva from 25 to 27 February 1998 and 14 to 18 September 1998, respectively (A/53/125, annex; and A/53/432, annex), and took note of their conclusions and recommendations. The General Assembly noted with appreciation the efforts of the chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies to propose appropriate reforms of the reporting system with a view to, inter alia, reducing the reporting burden on States parties while maintaining the quality of reporting, and encouraged them to continue those efforts, including through the continued examination of the benefits of reports focused on a limited range of issues and of opportunities for harmonizing the general guidelines regarding the form and content of reports, the timing of the consideration of reports and the methods of work of the treaty bodies. The Assembly decided to continue to give priority consideration at its fifty-fifth session to the conclusions and recommendations of the meetings of chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies, in the light of the deliberations of the Commission on Human Rights, under the item entitled "Human rights questions".

3.        The eleventh and twelfth meetings of chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies were convened by the Secretary-General pursuant to General Assembly resolution 49/178. The report of the eleventh meeting of chairpersons, which was held from 31 May to 4 June 1999, was submitted to the Assembly on 21 March 2000 (A/54/805, annex). The twelfth meeting was convened from 5 to 8 June 2000 and the report of that meeting is contained herewith.

II.  Organization of the meeting

4.        The meeting was held at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 5 to 8 June 2000. The following chairpersons of human rights treaty bodies attended: Mrs. Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Chairperson of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), Mr. Peter T. Burns (Chairperson of the Committee against Torture), Mrs. Cecilia Medina Quiroga (Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee), Mr. Michael E. Sherifis (Chairperson of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) and Mrs. Awa Ouedraogo (Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child). No representative of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women was able to attend, in the light of a special session of the General Assembly on Beijing+5 taking place from 5 to 9 June 2000. Mrs. Dandan was elected Chairperson/Rapporteur of the meeting and Mr. Sherifis was elected Vice-Chairperson. At their opening meeting the chairpersons adopted the agenda, with modifications, and a programme of work. The agenda, as adopted, is contained in annex I to the present report. The list of documents made available to the meeting is contained in annex III and the list of participants is contained in annex IV.

5.        On behalf of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Bertrand Ramcharan, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, addressed the chairpersons on 5 June 2000.

6.        The meeting was also addressed by Mr. Victor Rodriguez Cedeño, Vice-Chairperson of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on Human Rights, and Mr. Asbjorn Eide, member of the fifty-first session of the Subcommission on the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights.

7.        Representatives of the following United Nations bodies and specialized agencies participated in the meeting: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); International Labour Organization (ILO); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and World Health Organization (WHO). Representatives of Amnesty International also intervened during the meeting.

8.        The chairpersons were also addressed by Ms. Anne Bayefsky of York University, Canada, who was conducting a study on the effective functioning of the human rights treaties, including their impact at the national level. Ms. Bayefsky presented extensive statistical data in respect of both reporting by States parties and the individual communications procedures, for which the chairpersons expressed appreciation.

9.        The chairpersons were briefed by the Secretariat on the following issues: status of the Plans of Action; establishment of human rights indicators; and OHCHR regional strategies of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The briefings were followed by discussions.

10.      On the morning of 7 June 2000, the chairpersons convened a meeting with the representatives of States parties to discuss views on the functioning of the human rights treaty bodies. Forty-two States were represented at the meeting.

11.      On the afternoon of 7 June, the chairpersons held a joint meeting with the participants at the seventh meeting of special rapporteurs and representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures system of the Commission on Human Rights and of the advisory services programme. The joint meeting was opened with an address and exchange with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights by videoconference in closed meeting.

12.      On 8 June, the chairpersons considered the draft report on their twelfth meeting. The report, as amended during the course of the meeting, was adopted unanimously.

13.      The chairpersons tentatively agreed to hold their thirteenth meeting at the United Nations Office at Geneva to coincide with the next annual meeting of special rapporteurs and representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups, from 18 to 22 June 2001.

III. Address by the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights

14.      The Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Bertrand Ramcharan, addressed the chairpersons on the opening day of the meeting on behalf of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Deputy High Commissioner, inter alia, stressed the important role of the treaty bodies in the activities of the United Nations and the Office of the High Commissioner in the field of human rights, including in the regional approaches being pursued by the Office. He saw a special role of the treaty bodies in helping States parties to identify and overcome obstacles to the full implementation of human rights, particularly by providing normative guidance in this regard and identifying good practices.

15.      Referring to the lack of adequate resources for the treaty bodies, the Deputy High Commissioner stressed that this was a constraint shared by both the Secretariat and the treaty bodies. He noted that although the increase in the regular budget for human rights activities was clearly insufficient, it was the highest allotted to any United Nations programme and had been supported by the Secretary-General himself. He assured the chairpersons that the provision of adequate support to the treaty bodies, specifically with regard to the special procedures system, continued to be a high priority for the High Commissioner and urged patience until the benefits of the annual appeal for extrabudgetary contributions recently launched by the High Commissioner materialized.

16.      The Deputy High Commissioner also commended the substantive contributions by the treaty bodies to the sessions of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in 2001 and expressed the hope that the treaty bodies would continue to play an active role in the next session of the Preparatory Committee, as well as in the World Conference itself.

IV.  Review of recent developments relating to the work of the treaty bodies

17.      The chairpersons briefed the meeting on recent developments in the work of their respective treaty bodies. Notably, the Committee on the Rights of the Child had recently begun to examine as many as nine State party reports during each session, in contrast to the six reports examined on average in the past, in an effort to reduce the backlog of reports it had received and were awaiting examination. The results of the new approach would be examined later with a view to formalizing it. The Committee was also preparing its first general comment on the aims of education. In addition, the recent adoption by the General Assembly of two new Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child was expected to increase significantly the workload of the Committee as a result of the reporting requirements foreseen therein.

18.      Attention was drawn to recent denunciations of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Concern was expressed with regard to difficulties relating to the non-appearance at meetings of the Human Rights Committee by several States parties that had been scheduled to appear before it for the examination of their reports, which posed serious disruptions to its work. A positive development had been the submission of a periodic report by another State party that had attempted to withdraw from the Covenant. Measures being taken by the Committee to cope with the growing number of overdue reports and reports pending examination included a review of its methods for dealing with reports of States parties.

19.      The workload of the Committee against Torture was steadily growing, particularly as a result of the increased use of the inquiry procedure under article 20 of the Convention against Torture. In order to better take into account issues of discrimination, gender and children, the Committee had appointed three rapporteurs on those themes.

20.      The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination had adopted three general recommendations at its August 1999 and March 2000 sessions on: the definition of racial discrimination; the gender dimensions of racial discrimination; and the right to seek just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any damage suffered as a result of racial discrimination. During the two sessions, the Committee had examined reports from 26 States parties, including three special reports, and reviewed the implementation of the Convention in five States parties that were long overdue in the submission of a report (see para. 52). Under its "prevention of racial discrimination, including early warning and urgent action procedures", the Committee had considered the situation in five countries and adopted eight decisions. It had decided to devote three meetings of its forthcoming session in August 2000 to a thematic discussion on the situation of Roma. In addition, it was noted that geographical representation on the Committee, in particular that of the African group, had improved as a result of the most recent election of members.

21.      The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights had undertaken a revision of its guidelines for the preparation of reports. It had recently adopted two general comments, one on the right to education and the second on the highest attainable standard of health, in which the technical expertise of United Nations organizations active in those fields had been most valuable. Its next Day of General Discussion would be devoted to cultural rights, intellectual property rights and the right to benefit from scientific progress, with a view to the eventual formulation of a general comment on those rights. The Committee was seeking to facilitate involvement by non-governmental organizations by preparing a briefing paper on NGO participation in its work. Like the Human Rights Committee, it shared the concern about the disruptions to its work caused by States parties that failed to appear when their reports were due to be examined.

22.      In reviewing recent developments within the treaty bodies, the chairpersons also expressed concern over continuing problems such as the large backlog of reports of States parties to be examined and the growing backlog of correspondence awaiting response; the unbalanced geographical and gender representation in their committees; and, despite the additional meeting time allowed to two committees, the continuing serious inadequacy of the allowed meeting time to deal with their workloads.

23.      Victor Rodriguez Cedeño, Vice-Chairperson of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on Human Rights, addressed the meeting to discuss cooperation between the Commission and the treaty bodies. He highlighted a number of specific provisions in resolutions that invited one or more of the treaty bodies to offer their views on a wide range of issues. With regard to topics of the "special dialogues" organized by the Commission, the treaty bodies were invited to address their suggestions to the Commission through its Bureau. In response to a question posed during the discussion, he stated that the Bureau was engaging in consultations with the Economic and Social Council about the possibility of the committees being granted formal status at the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights to enable their participation on matters of relevance to them. He agreed that the Commission should envisage modalities for making dialogue and consultations with treaty bodies more effective, in particular to make the best use of the limited time available during sessions of the Commission.

24.      The chairpersons were also addressed by Mr. Asbjorn Eide, a member of the Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights at its fifty-first session. He referred to a number of studies being undertaken by the Subcommission on matters of direct relevance to the treaty bodies, including: (a) traditional practices; (b) slavery-like practices (systematic rape) during conflict; (c) indigenous populations and the right to land; and (d) human rights and terrorism. Furthermore, the following common areas of interest were addressed by the Subcommission in inter-sessional and sessional working groups: (a)   minorities; (b) indigenous populations; (c) contemporary forms of slavery; (d) administration of justice; and (e) human rights and transnational corporations (dealing with labour rights and labour practices). Reference was made to the great possibilities afforded by the continued development of the web site of the Office of the High Commissioner, which he considered to be an achievement of tremendous usefulness for the human rights mechanisms in drawing on the insights and lessons elaborated by other bodies. He pointed to the need for closer consultations on cross-cutting issues, similar to the dialogue and process launched with some treaty bodies with respect to the right to food.

  V.  Cooperation of human rights treaty bodies with specialized agencies, United Nations departments, funds, programmes and mechanisms and non-governmental organizations

25.      Representatives of FAO, ILO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR and WHO informed the chairpersons about the extent to which human rights were being integrated into the activities of their organizations and about endeavours to mainstream the specific rights relevant to their work within the human rights activities of the United Nations. Considerable progress was discernible with respect to both. Many of the organizations contributed valuable insights which assisted some treaty bodies in elaborating normative concepts, most significantly in the formulation of general comments and general recommendations, as well as continuing to regularly provide country-specific information in relation to the State reporting process. The chairpersons welcomed this trend and expressed the hope that these forms of cooperation would continue to evolve in mutually beneficial ways.

26.      A representative of UNFPA stated that major developments had occurred in advancing the mainstreaming of the primary human rights concerns of his organization, namely reproductive health rights, in the human rights and development activities of the United Nations, as well as the mainstreaming of human rights in the operational activities of his organization. He informed the chairpersons that a full-time UNFPA staff member was currently serving on secondment to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to enhance the collaboration among the two organizations. He suggested that future collaboration could focus in the immediate future on: (a) follow-up to the December 1996 meeting held at Glen Cove, New York, which had explored ways to improve implementation of sexual and reproductive rights; (b) follow-up to the Workshop on Gender Integration into the Human Rights System, which had been held in 1999 immediately prior to the eleventh meeting of chairpersons and in which the chairpersons had participated, through a meeting on reproductive health and reproductive rights to be held during the forthcoming session of the Commission on Human Rights; and (c) to organize together with the Office of the High Commissioner a workshop or seminar with representatives of the treaty bodies and with the Special Rapporteurs and independent experts to further discuss ways in which reproductive health rights issues could be included in their activities. He presented a proposal for the last suggestion, which was welcomed by the chairpersons.

27.      The representative of FAO explained that active collaboration was taking place with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The work of the former Committee was of particular interest for FAO by virtue of article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to adequate food. FAO had proposed a working meeting with members of that Committee, its secretariat and other relevant staff members of the Office of the High Commissioner, with a view to identifying the most effective ways of sharing information, discussing indicators and promoting interaction between that Committee and the Committee on Food Security. The World Food Summit had mandated the establishment of a Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System (FIVIMS) to identify, within a gender-sensitive framework, food-insecure people, their location and the causes of their food insecurity, and to provide information on food insecurity in different countries. With the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, FAO had been providing country information, inter alia, on gender-disaggregated data, statistics, policies and legislation affecting women. The chairpersons of the treaty bodies were requested to reflect on the types of future cooperation desired with FAO, which hoped to strengthen its relations with both Committees and expand them with the other treaty bodies.

28.      In her statement, the representative of UNDP drew attention to several areas of cooperation of relevance to the treaty bodies that were currently being undertaken within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between UNDP and the Office of the High Commissioner in March 1998. A regular working relationship had been established with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in which country-specific information from UNDP field offices was provided to the Committee on a regular basis in relation to its State reporting procedure. Initial discussions were under way regarding the possibility of establishing similar involvement of UNDP with the Human Rights Committee. Among other noteworthy initiatives were several regional training workshops in human rights for UNDP resident representatives that had been organized by UNDP in collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner; a UNDP training manual on human rights for development staff which was due to be finalized shortly; and a significant number of technical cooperation activities on human rights and development that were advancing under the joint programme "Human Rights Strengthening" (HURIST). Furthermore, the theme of the 2000 UNDP Human Development Report, which was due to be launched in June 2000, was human rights and development. The treaty bodies were invited to actively consider how their work could be reflected in the work of United Nations organizations such as UNDP and the mutual benefits of closer working relationship with it.

29.      In his statement, the representative of UNAIDS identified three interrelated ways in which the promotion and protection of human rights were important in the context of HIV/AIDS: impact, response and vulnerability. The representative pointed out that discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS, or those thought to be infected, was a violation of their human rights as discrimination based on health status was prohibited in international human rights instruments. UNAIDS welcomed the numerous accomplishments that the Commission on Human Rights and the Subcommission had achieved in this area by integrating HIV/AIDS issues into their mandates. Many of the treaty bodies had done the same, despite the fact that States parties often did not report on the situation of human rights from an HIV/AIDS perspective. The Human Rights Committee and the Committee against Torture were two bodies which had not been addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS and with which UNAIDS would welcome ways of strengthening cooperation. The treaty bodies were essential to a rights-based response to the epidemic because they could: (a) articulate human rights norms related to HIV/AIDS; (b) assist and guide States in translating international human rights norms into practical observance and contribute to monitoring HIV-related human rights violations; and (c) thus encourage observance by States of HIV-related human rights.

30.      In her statement, the representative of WHO emphasized the deep commitment of WHO to strengthen its work in the field of human rights. She informed the chairpersons of the development of the first ever WHO Strategy on Health and Human Rights, which aimed to provide direction for integrating human rights into the work of WHO and thereby serve as an institutional platform for its future work in health and human rights. With regard to cooperation with the treaty bodies, WHO had contributed significant technical input in the drafting of General Comment 14 of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which dealt with the right to health. The Committee on the Rights of the Child had been receiving information on a regular basis from the relevant unit in WHO, and WHO had been participating actively in deliberations of the Committee. The representative of WHO expressed hope that her organization could continue to work together on human rights and health with the treaty bodies and other human rights entities and mechanisms.

31.      The representative of UNESCO outlined the considerable efforts being made by his organization to disseminate the international human rights instruments and the work of the treaty bodies. Fruitful cooperation was taking place with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; improved cooperation with the Committee on the Rights of the Child could similarly yield mutual benefits. The representative invited the treaty bodies to identify and indicate specific ways in which the involvement of UNESCO in their work could be made more useful to them.

32.      Coordinating with the treaty bodies was part of the normal work of ILO. Information was being provided to the treaty bodies on a regular basis, with the exception of the Committee against Torture, with the work of which there was considered to be no obvious link. ILO had established especially close working relations with the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The representative requested the treaty bodies to indicate how ILO reports could be made more useful for their work.

33.      In his statement, the representative of UNHCR expressed satisfaction at the cooperation it had formed with the treaty bodies. In 1997, a UNHCR policy paper had been issued concerning ways to enhance its work in the field of human rights, focusing on three main aspects: (a) the position of UNHCR with regard to human rights violations encountered in its activities; (b) the promotion of human rights standards; and (c) interaction with the human rights mechanisms, which should be reciprocal and based on quick and reliable transfer of information. UNHCR worked in a number of areas where close cooperation would be useful, particularly xenophobia and the situation of refugees, displaced persons and stateless persons.

34.      In her intervention, the representative of Amnesty International welcomed the practice of some treaty bodies of holding pre-sessional working groups and adopting lists of issues in advance of their examination of reports of States parties, which she suggested could serve as useful working methods for all treaty bodies. Amnesty International believed that the current system of separate reporting to each treaty body remained more effective than a single consolidated report to all bodies would be. NGOs that reported on the implementation on the various treaties had a different composition. She also saw benefits in the creative diversity of approaches with which individual treaty bodies had been able to test new procedures that, once proven effective, could be taken up by other treaty bodies. She welcomed the efforts made by the treaty bodies to ensure closer cooperation and coordination with the special rapporteurs, representatives, independent experts and working groups of the Commission on Human Rights and its Subcommission.

VI. Informal consultations with Governments

35.      On 7 June, the chairpersons held an informal meeting with representatives of States parties in which they were able to outline the difficulties faced by treaty bodies, individually and collectively, and to hear the views of States parties on topics relating to their interactions with treaty bodies. The chairpersons once again reminded States parties of the importance of submitting instruments of acceptance of the proposed amendments to the various treaties and of ensuring the allocation of sufficient resources by the Fifth Committee and through direct contributions to the Annual Appeal of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The chairpersons also reiterated their appeal to States parties: (a) to consider the need for gender and geographical balance in the membership of the treaty bodies and the independence of experts when electing new members; and (b) to initiate steps to remedy the discrepancies among the treaty bodies regarding the payment of honoraria.

36.      Representatives of States parties expressed their appreciation for the work of the treaty bodies under their respective mandates, which were considered to be central to the international human rights system, and in particular for the continued efforts of the treaty bodies to rationalize their working methods to deal with their growing workloads. Particular mention was made of the effectiveness of some practices, such as the examination of the situation in non-reporting States parties by some treaty bodies, in encouraging the States parties concerned to submit a report. Concerns were expressed and suggestions and recommendations offered on this process of improvement, particularly on the need to ensure consistency of normative interpretation, and the urgency of addressing the problem of reporting periodicities and overlapping reporting obligations under the different treaties. Representatives of several States expressed interest in learning whether the Committees had come any closer in harmonizing their working practices. In order to be able to address these issues more adequately in the future, representatives of several States suggested that future meetings of chairpersons should allow time for a more extensive dialogue with them.

37.      In response, the chairpersons agreed that a full day should be set aside for informal consultation with Governments at its next meeting and that henceforth it would begin with a report on the measures taken to follow up on its discussions held at the previous meeting. The chairpersons also agreed that a formal agenda for that meeting should be prepared sufficiently in advance to enable all participants to engage in a focused exchange on select key issues, and encouraged States parties to suggest topics for it.

VII.  Joint meeting with participants in the twelfth meeting of chairpersons of human rights treaty bodies and the seventh meeting of special rapporteurs and representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures system of the Commission on Human Rights and of the advisory services programme and with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

38.      The second joint meeting, held on 7 June 2000 between the chairpersons and the special rapporteurs and representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures system of the Commission on Human Rights and of the advisory services programme, was welcomed.

39.      The meeting was preceded by a videoconference with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who addressed the chairpersons and the mandate holders of special procedures and exchanged views with them in closed meeting. Appreciation was expressed for the efforts of the High Commissioner in bringing the work of the treaty bodies, and particularly the relevant concluding observations of treaty bodies and recommendations of special rapporteurs, to the attention of Governments when visiting countries or meeting with government officials. The High Commissioner pledged to provide the feedback to treaty bodies on her activities to promote their work.

40.      The High Commissioner and experts raised the need for adequate administrative and substantive support from the Office of the High Commissioner for both the treaty bodies and the special procedures. They also discussed the possibility of contributions to the World Conference against Racism and Xenophobia; the role of treaty bodies and the special procedures in the regional approaches of the Office; the urgent problem of periodicity in reporting and the backlog of reports facing treaty bodies; and the mainstreaming of human rights into peacemaking/peacekeeping activities of the United Nations.

41.      The High Commissioner informed the meeting that the promotion of universal ratification would be a focus of the upcoming Millennium Assembly. She understood that such endeavours could not be separated from questions of resources, and she intended to raise this with the appropriate bodies in New York.

42.      The joint meeting was briefed about the status of implementation of the recommendations that had emanated from the first joint meeting (see A/54/805, annex, paras. 35 and 60-62). It identified the following areas of common concern:

       •   The need to improve the exchange of information between the treaty bodies and the special procedures mandates. The implementation of recommendations adopted after the first joint meeting in 1999 in this respect was found wanting;

       •   The issue of follow-up: an exchange of best practices in the area of follow-up to concluding observations, decisions and opinions on individual cases and recommendations made by special rapporteurs would be beneficial to both sets of mechanisms;

       •   The possibility of joint or coordinated contributions to the 2001 World Conference against Racism and Xenophobia.

43.      The conclusions of the joint meeting are presented in paragraphs 84 to 89 below.

VIII.  Status of the Plans of Action

  (a)  For strengthening the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

  (b)  For strengthening the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

  (c)  For strengthening the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

44.      The chairpersons were briefed by the secretariat on the status of the three plans of action, which had been converted into "projects" that were harmonized as part of a consolidated Annual Appeal by the High Commissioner to donors for extrabudgetary contributions. The chairpersons expressed satisfaction that treaty experts had been consulted on the formulation of the plans and therefore had had an opportunity to reflect on the needs of their committees and to play a role in establishing the priorities for improved support to the treaty bodies. While there was a natural gap between the time when the appeal was made and the actual time of receipt of contributions that could be drawn upon to implement the projects, the chairpersons welcomed the considerable interest that the needs of treaty bodies had thus far received.

45.      It was noted with satisfaction that concrete progress had been made with respect to several activities foreseen in the Plan of Action to Strengthen the Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. These included, notably, efforts aimed at reducing the backlog of individual communications before the Human Rights Committee through the hiring of additional staff to deal with them and the provision of additional meeting time to enable the Committee to consider complaints. It was noted that, owing to the rapid increase in the number of communications being submitted to the Committee against Torture, that Committee may also need to draw on this facility under the Plan of Action in the future. Other areas where strong progress was visible were the activities relating to modern information technology, including improvements to the treaty body database and the operationalization of a tracking system for communications.

46.      In addition, activities undertaken to strengthen support to the Committee on the Rights of the Child and to assist at the national level were continuing. The Plan of Action for strengthening the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child had afforded improved analytical support to the Committee, closer monitoring of follow-up to its recommendations, the organization of national workshops on child rights, as well as the organization of special events, such as those related to the tenth anniversary of the Convention in 1999. The Plan of Action for strengthening implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights had also resulted in improved analytical support to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in respect of the State reporting process and the formulation of general comments, closer liaison with key partners in the United Nations system and better integration of economic, social and cultural rights into the activities of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

47.      The chairpersons agreed on the need to engage the treaty bodies in a continuous articulation of their priority needs so that they may be reflected when in future annual appeals for funds.

IX. Periodicity of reporting

48.      The chairpersons discussed their practices in the area of reporting periodicity, which had been a growing concern common to many of the treaty bodies. The chairpersons engaged in an exchange on the rules, practices and experiences of their respective Committees with regard to periodicity, the delayed submission of reports by States parties and the backlog of reports awaiting consideration by treaty bodies.1

49.      Under the new consolidated guidelines adopted by the Human Rights Committee, State reports were required to include information concerning the period during which the report concerned had been overdue up to the time of submission, which should be no later than ten weeks before the session at which the report is to be considered by the Committee. This rule was aimed at avoiding the possibility of the submission of an overdue report that covered a period in the past rather than the actual situation, as had happened on several occasions. With regard to the reporting cycle, the Committee had established a practice of determining, upon concluding its consideration of a State party report, the date by which that State was to submit its next report. Flexibility could thus be exercised on the time allowed between reports from State to State, depending on the Committee's findings about the situation of the rights that it monitored.

50.      The Committee on the Rights of the Child was also experiencing problems relating to periodicity. In addition to a serious backlog of reports submitted and the growing number of reports overdue, the Committee faced an increasing incidence of a report by a State party falling due soon after, or even before, the previous report of the State concerned could be examined by the Committee. These incongruities had led the Committee to consider allowing States parties to combine their second and third periodic reports in a single document, to be submitted by the due date of the third periodic report. The Committee considered the due dates for third periodic reports to be sufficiently far in the future so as to allow adequate preparation time for the requested combined second and third periodic report.2 It was noted that the Committee had not formally adopted this approach as a method of work. It was an emergency interim measure that the Committee would later review in that regard after having gained sufficient experience to be able to judge its effectiveness.

51.      While the Committee against Torture was not facing large backlogs of either submitted or overdue reports, it was confronted with similar situations of reports of States parties falling due before or soon after the examination of the previous report of those States. The Committee had also adopted an interim measure of allowing the next two reports falling due to be combined in a single submission. The date by which the combined report should be submitted would be specified in the concluding observations adopted on the previous report. This had only been instituted several years earlier, but it had thus far proved to be a useful solution and had been largely respected by States parties.

52.      The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination had adopted a "review procedure" of considering the situation of States parties that were more than five years overdue in the submission of their reports, a practice that had had some success in, inter alia, prompting States parties to submit a report. The Committee accepted a single submission as representing several overdue reports, and in this way it was able to bring States parties fully up to date with their reporting obligations when they submitted a report. The obligation of States parties to report every two years was alleviated by the Committee's practice, since 1990, of requesting comprehensive reports only every four years and updating reports in the two-year intervals.

53.      In the light of the above and noting that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women was reviewing its methods of dealing with the matters raised, the chairpersons considered that the issues raised in relation to periodicity of reporting merited in-depth, working-level discussions among members of each Committee.

X.  Development of indicators and benchmarks to assess the realization of human rights

54.      The chairpersons were updated by the Secretariat on efforts being made to develop human rights indicators. The Office of the High Commissioner was seeking to remedy the imbalance, on one hand, of the abundant information available on economic and social rights, which although insufficient from a human rights perspective nevertheless formed a good foundation for the measurement of the implementation of those rights, and on the other hand, the lack of tools to identify the needs of countries in the area of civil and political rights. To this end, the Office was exploring how indicators could be developed that could measure the enjoyment of all human rights as defined in the principal treaties, and had begun by pressing for the development of civil and political rights indicators. In doing so, it was attempting not to create a way to rank countries or to reprimand them, but to identify where scarce international resources could be effectively utilized in countries in need of assistance.

55.      At the expert seminar organized by the Office of the High Commissioner in September 1999, discussion focused on a wide range of issues, including the nature of human rights indicators and of civil and political rights indicators, as well as specific examples of the types of data that could serve as useful indicators. Attention was also drawn to an initiative of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS). IAOS, which had a special interest in the possible contribution of official statistics to democratic society, was organizing through the Swiss national statistical and aid agencies a conference on "Statistics, Development and Human Rights" in September 2000. By bringing together statisticians, sociologists, development economists together with human rights specialists, the conference aimed at advancing the discussion from conceptual considerations, such as the possible human rights content of indicators, to include also concrete practical considerations relating to data collection and management.

56.      The chairpersons welcomed the progress made on the subject since their last meeting. They considered that the indicators to be developed would provide critical information not only to those working in human rights and development at the national level, but also to the treaty bodies as they examined reports of States parties. The Chairperson of the Committee against Torture suggested that the phenomenon of torture, which was clearly defined in the Convention against Torture, could be a useful starting point in examining how quantitative data could be useful in assessing compliance with civil and political rights.

57.      The chairpersons also revisited a recommendation of its previous meeting that the Office of the High Commissioner should organize a workshop to identify progressive developmental benchmarks and indicators related to the right to education, taking into account a proposal on the subject developed by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The chairpersons welcomed Commission on Human Rights resolution 2000/9 of 17 April 2000, in which the Commission had requested the Office of the High Commissioner to organize such a workshop in 2001. They expressed satisfaction at information received from the Secretariat to the effect that the workshop would be organized in consultation with the treaty bodies, particularly the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Rights of the Child, as well as the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the right to education.

XI. Regional strategies

58.      The chairpersons were briefed by the Special Adviser of the High Commissioner on regional strategies on the new regional approaches of the Office of the High Commissioner for the promotion and protection of human rights. She explained that the High Commissioner was seeking to make the best use possible of the limited resources available to her Office by taking advantage of regional and subregional commonalities. While the fulfilment of human rights would always remain a national and local matter, the High Commissioner could use regional and subregional approaches: to provide relevant advice to Governments, if requested; to keep herself better attuned to developments on the ground; and to facilitate capacity-building and the sharing of experiences among countries sharing common characteristics. To date, the main activities had concentrated on the Asia-Pacific region, as its regional arrangements in the field of human rights were relatively less advanced, and regional advisers had been appointed by the High Commissioner for three regions: the Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa. The Office looked to the treaty bodies to contribute in moving the process forward by suggesting specific issues that would enable the Office to take a more proactive approach, by informing the work of the regional advisers through their views and concluding observations and by identifying national best practices.

59.      The chairpersons expressed their appreciation for these initiatives of the High Commissioner and for the briefing thereon. Affirming the importance of regional and subregional human rights capacity-building and exchange of information grounded in the international human rights treaties, they agreed to present the issue of regional strategies to their respective Committees, in order to consider the role that they might play in the process.

XII. World Conference against Racism

60.      The chairpersons updated each other on the contributions being prepared by each treaty body to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. Each treaty body was undertaking, or planning to undertake, a review of its past work in the area, the formulation of new general comments and/or studies on themes of direct relevance to the World Conference.

61.      The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was actively participating in preparations for the World Conference. In addition to eight studies prepared by Committee members in their individual capacities, the Committee had suggested a number of specific themes for the agenda of the World Conference in its decisions 9 (53)3 and 5 (55).4 The Committee would continue to consider at its upcoming sessions further action and additional material that the Committee could contribute as a whole.

62.      The Human Rights Committee had undertaken a review of its past work in areas related to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including concluding observations adopted on reports of States parties, decisions or views adopted on individual complaints and general comments. It had decided to update its general comment on discrimination, which it plans to have ready for submission to the second session of the Preparatory Committee, to be held in May 2001.

63.      The contributions of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Rights of the Child focused on the central role of the right to education in efforts to combat racism and racial discrimination. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights had recently adopted two general comments on this right, Nos. 11 and 13.

64.      As its contribution to the World Conference, the Committee on the Rights of the Child had embarked on the elaboration of its first general comment on the topic of the aims of education. It plans to finalize the general comment in time for submission to the Preparatory Committee at its second session.

65.      Having reviewed these contributions, the chairpersons reaffirmed the central role of international human rights standards and of the treaty bodies in efforts to combat racism. They decided to submit to the World Conference a joint statement of the chairpersons conveying this message (see annex II to the present report).

XIII. Other matters

66.      The chairpersons expressed deep dissatisfaction at the continuing inequality of treatment of experts whereby members of three treaty bodies received a token honorarium and others received none. They considered the system not only to be unfair to individual experts but also to contradict the principles of indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights which were the foundations of the international human rights system. They regretted that the General Assembly had failed to take action to remedy this matter at its fifty-fourth session.

67.      The chairpersons discussed procedural questions regarding the functioning of the meetings of chairpersons. The chairpersons agreed that the substance of the discussions needed to be shared with the members and that any proposals emanating from the meetings must be agreed upon by all treaty bodies. To that end, the chairpersons should each encourage fuller discussions within their own treaty bodies as to the matters to be raised in the chairpersons' meetings as well as the results thereof.

68.      In addition, the chairpersons were briefed by the Secretariat, in closed meeting, about the Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), a new electronic system designed to expedite administrative procedures in the United Nations system, including the processing of travel authorizations and travel claims, and its impact on treaty body experts. They were also informed of new administrative policies that aimed to enforce existing United Nations administrative rules. The chairpersons expressed deep dissatisfaction at several recent instances of delayed processing of travel authorizations, the complications caused to individuals and the potentially disruptive impact of the new policies on the work of the Committees.

69.      The chairpersons were assured that IMIS, once the records of all experts were fully entered into the system, would significantly expedite all processes relating to travel.

XIV. Recommendations

70.      The chairpersons agreed on the need to consider harmonizing practices with regard to the examination of reports of States parties, including periodicity, whenever possible. It was suggested that the issue could be addressed in a joint meeting of representatives of all treaty bodies, as called for at their eleventh meeting, to discuss matters of common interest or concern (A/54/805, annex, para. 62). They recalled the provisions of the Plan of Action for strengthening the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, reflected in the Annual Appeal of the High Commissioner, which would enable the organization of such inter-Committee meetings. Subject to consultation by the chairpersons with their treaty bodies on the desirability of this topic and agreement by the treaty bodies, the chairpersons recommend that the Office of the High Commissioner should take the necessary steps to organize such a meeting.

71.      The chairpersons agreed that their thirteenth meeting should contain, among the initial items on the agenda, an item on follow-up to the recommendations of their twelfth meeting. The Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, and the secretariat of the current meeting were given the responsibility of following up on those recommendations, and of reporting on the measures taken thereon at the thirteenth meeting.

72.      The chairpersons recommended that the practice of holding an informal meeting with representatives of States parties should be continued at the thirteenth meeting. They requested the Office of the High Commissioner to organize such a meeting of one full day's duration and to consult with them and with the States parties about the elements of a possible agenda.

73.      The chairpersons strongly recommended that the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the current meeting and the Secretariat should follow up on the recommendations adopted at previous meetings of chairpersons concerning the equal payment of honoraria to members of all treaty bodies. In that connection, the meeting authorized its Chairperson to address a letter to the Secretary-General requesting him to take all appropriate measures to resolve the issue at the forthcoming session of the General Assembly.

74.      The chairpersons request the secretariat to examine the practices of the meetings of chairpersons and to compile, in a background document for their thirteenth meeting, those elements that might be taken into consideration for the eventual formulation of rules of procedure for future meetings of chairpersons.

75.      The chairpersons reiterated their view that treaty body chairpersons, or designated members, should be present when the annual reports of treaty bodies are considered by their supervisory organ, whether it be the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council. They recommended that this recommendation be vigorously pursued and brought to the attention of the Assembly and the Council at their forthcoming sessions.

76.      The chairpersons also reiterated their recommendation that they should be granted formal status within the Economic and Social Council, and hence with its functional commissions, to enable them to participate in discussions on matters of relevance to their respective committees.

77.      The chairpersons welcomed the information provided by the Secretariat that the Plan of Action to strengthen the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment had been launched earlier in the current year, in consultation with all treaty body experts. They recommended that the Secretariat should provide a similar presentation to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Committee against Torture to inform them of the status of the plan and, more significantly, to convey the importance of treaty bodies articulating their priority needs in order to facilitate the prioritization of the activities for which the High Commissioner should seek extrabudgetary contributions in her next Annual Appeal. Similarly, the chairpersons expressed the hope that the Human Rights Committee would continue to receive support from the Secretariat to facilitate the ongoing involvement of its members in the prioritization of needs.

78.      The chairpersons express appreciation that, under the Plan of Action for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, it would be possible to organize technical briefings for new members in the near future. They requested the Office of the High Commissioner to ensure that such briefings were prepared for the next group of new treaty body members immediately prior to their first session; the contents of the briefings should be finalized in consultation with the chairperson of the concerned treaty bodies.

79.      The chairpersons agreed on the usefulness of human rights indicators that would enable the measurement of the level of enjoyment of all human rights. In that regard, they encouraged the Office of the High Commissioner to continue to lead in the development of civil and political rights indicators. They agreed to discuss within the treaty bodies how they might provide guidance and input in that respect.

80.      The chairpersons also welcomed the organization of a workshop in 2001 to develop indicators on the right to education. They urged the Office of the High Commissioner not to allow the Workshop to be delayed any further and to ensure that it was held in close consultation with the treaty bodies, particularly the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

81.      The chairpersons recommended that the Special Adviser on Regional Strategies, whose briefing at the current meeting was most useful, should appear before each treaty body to present the new regional approaches of the High Commissioner and to exchange views with a wider membership of the treaty bodies.

82.      The chairpersons requested the Administration Unit of the Office of the High Commissioner to brief them thoroughly at their next meeting on the rules, regulations and procedures affecting treaty body experts. They further requested the preparation of a brief paper on these matters for the reference of all treaty body experts.

83.      The chairpersons requested that their joint statement on the World Conference against Racism and Xenophobia should be submitted to the second session of the Preparatory Committee. They agreed to consider once again at their thirteenth meeting the status of contributions to the World Conference by the treaty bodies and the chairpersons. In that respect, they agreed to discuss the matter within the treaty bodies with a view to identifying issues that could be included in a common statement by the chairpersons at their next meeting.

           Recommendations of the joint meeting with the special procedures system

84.      The second joint meeting between the chairpersons and special procedures mandate holders agreed on the following recommendations.

           Follow-up to the recommendations of the second meeting

85.      The Secretariat was requested to prepare, in writing, a concise background note setting out the status of implementation of recommendations emanating from the current joint meeting.

           Improving the exchange of information between treaty bodies and the special procedures mandates

86.      The joint meeting noted with appreciation the minutes of a meeting convened by the Deputy High Commissioner on 7 June 2000, which had discussed the necessity of improving the information exchange between the special procedures system and the treaty bodies. The participants in the joint meeting endorsed the relevant recommendations emanating from that meeting and requested the Office of the High Commissioner to monitor their implementation on an ongoing basis, particularly the following:

       •   Information notes should be regularly submitted to each treaty body session about the activities of relevant special procedures mandates;

       •   Periodic lists of planned country visits of special procedures mandate holders should be prepared in chart form and made available to members of the treaty bodies;

       •   Executive summaries prepared for reports of special procedures mandate holders should be rapidly distributed to members of treaty bodies;

       •   A schedule of the consideration of reports of States parties to the major human rights treaty bodies should be prepared in chart form and circulated to all members of treaty bodies and special procedures mandate holders;

       •   The reports of special procedures mandate holders concerning specific countries should be distributed to treaty bodies when the latter are scheduled to consider the report of those specific countries and, conversely, the concluding observations of the treaty bodies on those countries should be circulated to special procedures mandate holders;

       •   Staff working with treaty bodies should facilitate the participation of country and thematic officers assisting special rapporteurs in the preparation of lists of issues on periodic reports to be considered by treaty bodies; conversely, assistants of special procedures mandate holders should seek from staff members servicing treaty bodies lists of issues and other relevant information from the treaty bodies for the purpose of preparation of country visits;

       •   A meeting between the treaty body teams and the country and thematic officers servicing special procedures should be called in a timely manner, to address existing problems or bottlenecks in information exchange.

           Follow-up to concluding observations and recommendations of rapporteurs

87.      The participants agreed that the third joint meeting in June 2001 should focus on the subject of follow-up.

           Preparations for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

88.      Participants in the joint meeting interested in exploring possible collaboration in contributing to the preparatory process for the World Conference were encouraged to formulate proposals in writing. The written proposals would be compiled by the secretariat of the two meetings and circulated to all treaty body members and special rapporteurs well in advance of the third joint meeting, to be held in 2001.

           Third joint meeting

89.      The participants agreed to schedule a half-day joint meeting for their respective annual meetings in 2001.


       1   The rules and practices of the six treaty bodies were detailed in a background document of the meeting (HRI/MC/2000/Misc.1).

       2   Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child had entered into force in 1990, the earliest reports due under the Convention would have been the initial reports due in 1992 from the first States parties to report. The second periodic reports of this group would have been due in 1997 and their third periodic reports would have been due in 2002.

       3   See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-third Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/53/18), chap. VIII.

       4   Ibid., chap. VIII.

Annex I

                 Agenda of the meeting

1.        Opening of the meeting and election of officers.

2.        Adoption of the agenda.

3.        Organizational and other matters.

4.        Review of recent developments relating to the work of the treaty bodies.

5.        Cooperation of human rights treaty bodies with United Nations departments, specialized agencies, funds, programmes and non-governmental organizations.

6.        Plans of action (status of projects related to treaty bodies and annual appeal):

           (a)      To strengthen the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;

           (b)      To strengthen the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

           (c)      To strengthen the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

7.        Periodicity of reporting.

8.        Establishment of indicators/benchmarks to assess the realization of human rights.

9.        Preparations for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.

10.      Joint meeting with special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures system of the Commission on Human Rights and of the advisory services programme.

11.      Informal consultation with Governments.

12.      Regional strategies.

13.      Adoption of the report and setting of dates for the thirteenth meeting of chairpersons.

Annex II

                 Statement by the chairpersons to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

           The chairpersons of the human rights treaty monitoring bodies reaffirm the important contribution that the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance can make to the eradication of these abhorrent phenomena and urge the World Conference to resolutely address them in all their forms. The treaty bodies, in their wide experience in examining these questions in countries from all regions of the world, have highlighted the tragic results that can eventually occur when societies tolerate such practices. They underscore the importance of a reaffirmation by the World Conference of international human rights standards and the role of the treaty bodies in continuously monitoring their implementation. The chairpersons thus call upon the World Conference to urge in the strongest possible terms the universal ratification of the international human rights treaties and to urge States to place the international standards at the centre of their efforts to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

Annex III

                 Documents made available at the meeting

1.        Provisional agenda and annotations (HRI/MC/200/1).

2.        Tentative programme of work.

3.        General Assembly resolution 49/178.

4.        Summary record of the 33rd meeting of the Third Committee, held on           16 November 1994 (A/C.3/49/SR.33).

5.        General Assembly resolution 53/138.

6.        Summary record of the 49th meeting of the Third Committee, held on           16 November 1998 (A/C.3/53/SR.49).

7.        Report of the Secretary-General on the status of overdue reports       (HRI/MC/2000/2).

8.        Report of the Secretariat on follow-up to the eleventh meeting on cooperation     of human rights treaty bodies with United Nations departments, specialized   agencies, funds, programmes and mechanisms and non-governmental          organizations; status of the Plans of Action; and establishment of indicators/            benchmarks to assess the realization of human rights (HRI/MC/2000/3).

9.        Results of the twenty-second session of the Committee on the Elimination of       Discrimination against Women: note by the Secretary-General      (E/CN.6/2000/CRP.1).

10.      Report of the ninth meeting of chairpersons (February 1998) (A/53/125).

11.      Report of the tenth meeting of chairpersons (September 1998) (A/53/432).

12.      Report of the eleventh meeting of chairpersons (June 1999) (A/54/805).

13.      Compilation of general comments (HRI/GEN/1/Rev.4).

14.      Compilation of reporting guidelines (HRI/GEN/2).

15.      Recent reporting history under the principal international human rights       instruments as at 31 March 2000 (HRI/GEN/4).

16.      "Status of instruments": status as at 1 June 2000.

17.      Report of the independent expert, Mr. Philip Alston, on enhancing the long-         term effectiveness of the human rights treaty system (E/CN.4/1997/74).

18.      Report of the Secretary-General on consultations conducted on the report of       the independent expert (E/CN.4/1998/85, Add.1, Corr.1).

19.      Report of the Secretary-General on the second round of consultations        conducted on the report of the independent expert (E/CN.4/2000/98, Add.1).

20.      Commission on Human Rights resolution 2000/75.

21.      Report of the Secretary-General on effective implementation of international         instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations under       international instruments on human rights (E/CN.4/2000/186).

22.      Plan of Action for strengthening the implementation of the International     Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the    Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against            Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment            (HRI/MC/2000/4).

23.      Project document to implement the Plan of Action for Strengthening the     Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - phase II        (English only).

24.      Plan of Action for strengthening the implementation of the International     Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/1997/22, annex VII).

25.      Background paper on the present rules and practices of the six human rights        treaty bodies on the topic of periodicity of reporting (HRI/MC/2000/Misc.1).

26.      General Assembly resolution 54/154.

27.      Commission on Human Rights resolution 2000/14.

28.      Annotations to the provisional agenda of the first session of the Preparatory       Committee on Intolerance (1-5 May 2000) for the World Conference against   Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance           (A/CONF.189/PC.1/1/Add.1).

29.      Background paper on the causes of, and remedies for, racial discrimination,          prepared by Michael Banton, member of the Committee on the Elimination of         Racial Discrimination (English only) (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.6).

30.      Background paper on United Nations strategies to combat racism and racial         discrimination: past experiences and present perspectives, prepared by      Theodoor van Boven, member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial       Discrimination (English only) (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.7).

31.      "Zimbabwe and South Africa: the lessons we can learn", background paper          prepared by Shanti Sadiq Ali, member of the Committee on the Elimination of      Racial Discrimination (English only) (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.8).

32.      Background paper on preventing genocide, prepared by Agha Shahi, Luis            Valencia Rodríguez and Ivan Garvalov, members of the Committee on the   Elimination of Racial Discrimination (English only)            (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.9).

33.      Background paper on the definitions of racial discrimination, prepared by Ion      Diaconu, member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial           Discrimination (English only) (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.10).

34.      "De l'utilité de l'application complémentaire des procédures de plaintes      individuelles devant les organes universels et régionaux de protection des        droits de l'homme", background paper prepared by Régis de Gouttes, member       of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (French only)            (E/CN.4/1999/WG.1/BP.11).

35.      "An analysis of the gender dimensions of racial discrimination", by Gay     McDougall, member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial       Discrimination (English only) (CERD/C/56/Misc.19).

36.      "Reservations to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms     of Racial Discrimination: the role of CERD", by Ion Diaconu and Yuri Rechetov, members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial       Discrimination (English only) (CERD/C/53/Misc.23).

37.      Contribution of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (A/CONF.189/PC.1/12).

38.      Contribution of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights      (A/CONF.189/PC.1/14).

39.      Contribution of the Committee on the Rights of the Child          (A/CONF.189/PC.1/15).

40.      Report of the annual meeting of special rapporteurs/representatives, experts        and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures and the advisory services programme of the Commission on Human Rights, held from 31 May      to 4 June 1999 (E/CN.4/2000/5).

41.      List of special rapporteurs, rapporteurs/representatives, experts and            chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures and the advisory       services programme of the Commission on Human Rights.

Annex IV

                 Participants in the twelfth meeting of chairpersons

             A.    Government representatives

Mr. Humayun Tandar, Chargé d'affaires

Mr. Sergio Cerda, Counsellor

Ms. Gabriela Kühtreiber, Counsellor

H.E. Mr. Isfandiyar Vahabzada, Ambassador, Permanent Representative
Mr. Tofig Nusayev, Second Secretary
Mr. Ismayil Asadov, Third Secretary

Mr. Alexandre Peña Ghisleni, Third Secretary

Mr. Syargei Mikhnevich, Deputy Permanent Representative, Chargé d'affaires a.i.
Mr. Sergei Anoshko, First Secretary

Ms. Deborah Chatsis, First Secretary
Ms. Marie Gervais-Vidricaire, Deputy Permanent Representative

Ms. Qi Xiaoxia, Second Secretary

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mr. Justin Biaboroh-Iboro, Minister-Counsellor

Ms. Vesna Kos, First Secretary

Mr. Jorge-Alberto Ferrer Rodríguez, First Secretary

Ms. Merike Kokajev, First Secretary

Mr. Antti Rytovuori, First Secretary

Mr. Hervé Magro, Counsellor
Mr. Jean-Philippe Charlemagne, Chargé de mission

Mr. Peter Rothen, First Counsellor

Ms. Moetsi Duchatellier, First Secretary

Mr. István Lakatos, Third Secretary

H.E. Ms. Savidri Kunadi, Permanent Representative
Mr. Sharat Sabharal, Deputy Permanent Representative
Mr. R. N. Prasad, Counsellor

Mr. Eamonn Mac Aodha, First Secretary

Ms. Teizu Guluma, Adviser

Ms. Nobuko Iwatani

Ms. Reneiloe Lesoli, Minister Counsellor

Mr. Edvardas Borisovas, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Representative

Mr. Arturo Hernández, Minister

Mr. Henk Cor Van der Kwast, Counsellor

New Zealand
Ms. Deborah Geels, First Secretary

Mr. Roald Naess, Minister Counsellor
Ms. Ingrid Mollestad Sylow, First Secretary

Mr. Abdulghaffar Al-Baloushi, First Secretary

Mr. Luis-Enrique Chávez, Counsellor

Mr. Luis Faro Ramos, Counsellor

Republic of Korea
Mr. Shin Gil-Sou, Counsellor

Russian Federation
Mr. Vladimir Parshikov, Senior Counsellor
Mr. Grigory Lukiyantsev, Third Secretary

Mr. Franc Miksa, Minister Plenipotentiary

Mr. D. Iñigo de Palacio España, Counsellor

Sri Lanka
H.E. Mr. H. S. Palihakkara, Ambassador, Permanent Representative
Mr. S. S. Ganegama-Arachchi, First Secretary
Mr. Sumedha Ekanayake, Second Secretary

Ms. Ulrike Lundberg, Counsellor

Mr. Jean-Daniel Vigny, Minister

H.E. Mr. Hadem Ben Salem, Ambassador, Permanent Representative
Mr. Raouf Chatty, Counsellor

Ms. Ivanna Markina, Second Secretary

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mr. Kevin Lyne, First Secretary
Ms. Lucy Foster, Assistant

United States of America
Mr. Steve Solomon, Legal Adviser
Ms. Pam Holmes, Second Secretary
Ms. Cheryl Sim, First Secretary

Mr. Alfredo Michelena, Minister Counsellor

             B.    Participants from United Nations departments, specialized agencies, funds, programmes

Name and title



Mr. Themba N. Masuku, Director

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Liaison Office in Geneva

Ms. Awa Marie Coll-Seck, Director, Department of Policy Strategy and Research
Ms. Miriam Maluwa, Law and Human Rights Adviser

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Ms. Constance Thomas, Chief, Equality and Employment

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Ms. Lesley Miller, Consultant, Division of Evaluation, Policy and Planning

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Ms. Odile Sorgho-Moulinier, Director
Ms. Marit Gjelten, Programme Officer

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Geneva

Mr. Janusz Symonides, Director, Department for Peace, Human Rights, Democracy and Tolerance

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Mr. Richard Towle, Senior Human Rights Liaison Officer, Division of International Protection

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Ms. Marie Heuzé, Director

United Nations Information Service at Geneva (UNIS)

Mr. Alphonse MacDonald, Director
Mr. Hishyar Barzani, Consultant
Mr. Erik Palstra

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Office in Geneva

Ms. Helena Nygren-Krug, Focal Point on Health and Human Rights

World Health Organization (WHO)

             C.    Participants from non-governmental organizations

Name and title



Ms. Fiona McElree
Ms. Sara Johansson

Amnesty International


Mrs. Anki Flores, Acting Secretary-General

Anti-Racism Information Service (A.R.I.S.)

Mr. Georg Stein, United Nations Programme Assistant

Association pour la Prevention de la Torture (APT)

Ms. Joanna Weschler

Human Rights Watch

Ms. Jelena Pejic, Adviser

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Mr. Alexandre Owona

Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique Internationale (JECI)

Mr. J-Fernando Mejía

Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (OMCT)

Ms. Eun-Ah Choi, Representative

Pax Romana - International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs