The United Nations Human Rights Treaties

General Documents Not Relating To Specific States

General Comments or Recommendations

CESCR - CESCR General Comment 14 (Article 12: The right to the highest attainable standard of health)

Name: CESCR General Comment 14 (Article 12: The right to the highest attainable standard of health)

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General Comments or Recommendations on are as of November 2012. To update use the UN website search engine here.

A treaty body may adopt General Comments or Recommendations, which are official statements adopted by the Committee that elaborate on the meaning of treaty obligations. Some General Comments or Recommendations may be procedural in nature, others may address substantive provisions of the treaty and provide the Committee's interpretation of treaty rights.

CERD and CEDAW refer to these official statements as “General Recommendations” and CED, CRPD, CCPR, CESCR, CAT, CRC and CMW refer to them as “General Comments”.