Special Decisions or Action Taken Re: Reporting

CEDAW A/48/38



B. Alleged violations of human rights inflicted upon women in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

1. In the light of its previous work on violence against women, reflected in its general recommendation 19 (eleventh session), 8/ and in view of the international concern about the situation of women in the territory of the former Yugoslavia that had led the Commission on Human Rights, at its first special session, held on 13 and 14 August 1992, to appoint a Special Rapporteur to investigate firsthand the human rights situation in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, in particular within Bosnia and Herzegovina (Commission resolution 1992/S-1/1), 9/ the Committee considered its own response to the situation. The view was expressed that the Committee, as the body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the convention to ensure women's human rights, should make its concern about the situation known. It was also noted that it was not the practice of the Committee to comment on a particular situation in a country, unless it was considering a report of that country. After discussing the matter thoroughly and after considering the practice of other human rights treaty bodies, the Committee decided to request its Chairperson to send a letter to the Special Rapporteur formally expressing the Committee's concern. The letter of the Chairperson to the Special Rapporteur, and his reply, are contained in annexes I and II, respectively.

2. The Committee decided further that, if warranted, it should, pursuant to article 18 of the Convention, request the States of the territory of the former Yugoslavia to submit a report or reports on an exceptional basis and that such a report or reports should be considered at the next session. In addition, the Committee put on record its commitment to look into similar grave violations of rights being experienced by women in any part of the world.


            8/ See Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/47/38), chap. I.

            9/ See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1992, Supplement No. 2A (E/1992/22/Add.1/Rev.1), chap. II.

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