List of issues : Bolivia. 23/12/92.
CRC/C/3/WP.1. (List of Issues)
Third Session
Pre-sessional Working Group
14 to 18 December 1992


List of issues to be taken up in connection with the
consideration of the initial report of Bolivia

General measures of implementation
(Arts. 4, 42 and 44, para. 6, of the Convention)

1. What is the status of the Convention in relation to national law and can the provisions of the Convention be invoked in court?

2. What other measures have been adopted to raise the awareness of professional groups? (para. 75 of the report)

3. Poverty and economic adjustment limit resources. How does the State intend to obtain resources to put the Plan of Action into practice, at both the national and international levels?

4. In view of the harsh effects of the economic adjustment, is there any social support for the most vulnerable groups? What measures are being adopted in that respect?

5. In addition to the serious economic problems, there are also obstacles of a technical nature in guaranteeing access by most Bolivian children and young people to their most basic rights, such as the right to health, education and special protection. Is international cooperation in this field significant? What types of cooperation are most needed by Bolivia at this time?

6. In what way does the Bolivian Government intend to overcome the traditional lack of coordination between economic and social policy? This is a feature of nearly all the Latin American region and is not exclusive to Bolivia.

7. What cooperation is there at the regional level with regard to the rights of the child? Are special meetings, such as the one held in Ecuador in June 1992, useful for making public opinion and governmental authorities aware of the need to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Definition of the child
(Art. 1 of the Convention)

8. The report acknowledges the problems involved in adopting the term "juvenile" rather than "child and adolescent" or "child and young person" and the need to campaign for the re-establishment of the term "juvenile". In that case, why should that term continue to be used?

General principles

9. It is clear from the report that there is discrimination against girls in the fields of education, work and daily life. In this connection, account should be taken of cultural factors in addition to economic and social difficulties. How are the Bolivian State and Bolivian society dealing with that problem? (art. 2 of the Convention)

10. Please indicate the measures adopted by the authorities to eliminate and prevent attitudes and prejudices which make for discrimination against girls and disabled children. (art. 2 of the Convention)

11. Please describe the measures planned or being implemented and the factors and difficulties involved in reducing the differences between rural and urban areas. (art. 2 of the Convention)

12. Please describe specific measures taken to remedy problems faced in the area of basic services such as water and sanitation and to reduce the high rate of infant mortality. (art. 6 of the Convention)

13. With regard to recognition of the principle of respect for the views of the child, it would be interesting to have specific indications of the way in which this principle is reflected in legal provisions or judicial decisions. (para. 73 of the report) (art. 12 of the Convention)

Civil rights and freedoms
(Arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)

14. Please indicate measures taken or envisaged to sensitize and mobilize public opinion concerning the need to register births and provide and train adequate registry personnel. (para. 79 of the report)

15. Are non-Catholic children compelled to receive Catholic instruction in public schools? (para. 87 of the report)

Family environment and alternative care

16. Is the parents' poverty sufficient grounds for the children's court to remove parental authority?

17. Do the integral training centres for orphaned and abandoned children operate under a boarding system?

18. How does Bolivia's new Juvenile Code deal with the problem of inter-country adoption?

19. Please indicate factors and difficulties which may affect the recovery of maintenance for the child, such as the lack of adequate birth registration.

Basic health and welfare

20. What measures are being planned to overcome the lack of specialized staff for the care of disabled children?

Education, leisure and cultural activities

21. The doors to the schools are closing and the doors to the world of irregular and underpaid labour are opening earlier and earlier for children. This has been the principal effect of structural adjustment on education. How do the Government and Bolivian society intend to deal with this?

22. How is the policy of introducing languages other than Spanish into the schools developing? Are there any far-reaching initiatives or only experimental and selective projects?

23. Is the adoption of the Roman Catholic religion as the "official State religion" not in contradiction with the right of indigenous children to have their own religion and culture?

24. What is being done to reduce the distressing 53 per cent rate of functional illiteracy in rural areas?

25. What is being planned to overcome the proliferation of rules and the lack of consistency in the legislation on education?

26. The report itself admits that the statistics on education are "fragmentary and somewhat unreliable". What is being planned to overcome this difficulty?

Special protection

27. What is the structure of the system of administration of juvenile justice and how does it function?

28. In what way are the provisions of article 37 (b), (c), and (d) of the Convention reflected in Bolivian law and practice?

29. How is the Bolivian Government dealing with the problem of irregular adoptions (sale and traffic) of children by foreign couples? Have any specific measures been adopted? Has anyone been indicted? Have any of the children returned to their original homes?

30. Please provide information on the implementation of the pilot project for intercultural and multilingual primary education. (para. 55 of the report)

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland