List of issues : Croatia. 27/11/95.
CRC/C.11/WP.1. (List of Issues)
Eleventh session
Pre-sessional Working Group
20-24 November 1995


List of issues to be taken up in connection with
the consideration of the initial report of

General measures of implementation
(Arts. 4, 42 and 44 para. 6 of the Convention)

In the spirit of the World Conference on Human Rights which encouraged States to consider reviewing any reservation with a view to withdrawing it (See A/CONF.157/23, Part II paras. 5 and 46), please provide information on whether the Government is considering the need to review its reservation to the Convention.

Please provide information on the implementation of the Convention by the courts. In what areas has the Convention been invoked before the courts? (Paras. 22, 24-25 of the State party report and para.59 of HRI/CORE/1/Add.32).

Please indicate whether any study has been undertaken to review national legislation and its compatibility with the provisions and principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In addition, please comment on the status of proposed reforms to the legal system mentioned in, inter alia, paras. 27, 37, 44, 60, 185, 193, 209, 238, 351 of the report.

Please provide further information on the measures being taken or considered to develop mechanisms for the determination of appropriate indicators as well as the collection of statistical data and other information on the status of children as bases for designing programmes for the implementation of the Convention. (See inter alia, Paras. 35, 36, 41, 251-253, 266, 269, 357 of the report).

Please provide more information about the recent work undertaken by the Expert group of the Parliamentary Committee in dealing with matters relating to children's interests and needs (para. 31 of the report). Has the Government considered the possibility of establishing a national institution such as an Ombudsman for Children?

Please describe the policy in relation to the implementation of article 4 of the Convention with regard to the allocation "to the maximum extent of (...) available resources for the rights of the child". What guarantees exist to ensure that local/regional authorities are also guided by this principle in their policy decision making? To what extent are destructions of facilities, including schools and child care centres being remedied?

In view of the information contained in para. 5 of the report that the overall state of protection of child's rights has deteriorated in the past few years due to the effects of war and changes to the economic system, amongst other factors, please provide a comparison of present and previous budgetary allocations to social expenditures.

How is coordination ensured between the national government and the local/regional authorities achieved? What monitoring mechanism and evaluation processes exist to ensure that the standards established by the Convention are fulfilled?

How is the Government ensuring that police and military personnel are being familiarised with the provisions and norms of international human rights instruments and international humanitarian law? What procedures are in place to handle allegations of abuse against children by personnel of the armed forces or the police?

General principles
(Arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12)

Please indicate the specific and concrete measures being taken to combat discrimination against girls, disabled children, children born out of wedlock, and displaced and refugee children. Is there a deliberate effort to collect disaggregated statistical data so that any discriminatory tendencies can be detected?

What concrete measures has the Government taken to prevent and eliminate attitudes and prejudices contributing to ethnic tensions or incidents of unlawful discrimination or incitement to ethnic hatred?

Has there been any evaluation undertaken of the manner in which the principle of "the best interests of the child" as provided for in the Convention are taken into account in actions undertaken by legislative, judicial and administrative bodies or authorities? (See, inter alia, paras. 71-84, 128, 189, 195-196, 201, 205, 232-233, 315 of the State party report).

In relation to the implementation of article 6 of the Convention with respect to a child's right to life, survival and development, has the Government undertaken cooperation with schools, institutions, agencies, the media and other interested parties to educate children about mine awareness?

Has any evaluation been undertaken of the child's right to express his or her views and to have these taken into account in court and administrative proceedings? (Para. 102, 195 and 205-206 of the report).

Civil rights and freedoms
(Arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)

Please provide further clarification on the implementation in practice of the provisions of articles 7 and 8 of the Convention, particularly as to how national legislation ensures that the child's right to preserve his or her nationality and his or her identity is fully respected and protected. (Paras. 121, 123 and 124 of the report.) Also, please provide additional information on the steps taken to ensure that children within the jurisdiction of the State party do not suffer from statelessness. (Paras. 85, 120-125 and 127 of the report).

What additional means and what further measures is the Government considering to address the problems outlined in paras. 64 and 143-144 of the report with respect to the child's right to access to appropriate information and the protection of children from violence and other harmful influences in the media?

Family environment and alternative care
(Arts. 5, 9-11, 18 paras. 1-2, 19 and 39, 20-21, 25, and 27 para. 4)

Please provide further information on the assistance and protection measures in place to support the family, including the effectiveness of measures to address the problem of alcohol abuse in the family and the improvement of the situation of single parent families and children. (Paras. 16, 196, 199, 222, 243, 300, 305-312, 315, 317 of the report).

Please provide information on the monitoring of social welfare institutions and of placement in alternative care situations. (See paras. 193, 196, 202, 208, 240-242 and 224-229 of the report).

What further measures are being considered to address the problem of the shortage of social workers? In addition, please provide information on the extent to which education and training programmes for social workers have developed? (Para. 86 of the report).

Basic health and welfare
(Arts. 6 para. 2, 23, 24, 26, 18 para. 3 and 27 paras. 1-3 of the Convention)

In view of the particular difficulties in providing assistance to disabled children, please provide clarification as to the ways in which the new Law on Social Welfare, presently being drafted, will ensure adequate access to care for disabled children, especially from poorer families. In addition, please provide further information on the effective implementation of the measures being considered to provide education for the disabled at the local level. (Paras. 276, 278, 285, 316 and 318 of the report).

Having regard to the various financial and war related difficulties faced by the State, has any evaluation been undertaken of the effects of the new health care system in achieving, for example, the required levels of preventive medical care and health education? Have any improvements been recorded in the number of medical check-ups conducted in schools and counselling centres for children? (Paras. 248 and 269 of the report). In addition, how is the Government ensuring the continuity of the immunization programme? (Para. 248 of the report).

Education, leisure and cultural activities
(Arts. 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention)

With reference to paras. 79, 316 and 318 of the report, please provide more information on the new legal regulations relating to the possible opening of private primary schools and primary schools with alternative programmes and the extent to which other changes proposed to the education system have been implemented.

Please indicate the progress achieved in establishing an educational system for the children belonging to the Serbian minority in conformity with the Constitutional Law. (Para. 385 of the report).

Has the Government developed teaching materials and curricula on human rights education, including education about the rights of the child in all schools? (Para. 321 of the report).

Special protection measures
(Arts. 22, 30, 32-40 of the Convention)

How is the Government ensuring that the authorities dealing with the procedures relating to the assessment and placement of children into categories of displaced persons and refugees, the issuance of residence permits and the handling of family reunification requests are implementing these procedures in a manner which is consistent with the principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Please provide information on the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure that refugees receive the necessary documentation to allow them access to essential social services in Croatia?

Please provide further information on the implementation of article 39 of the Convention, particularly with respect to the measures taken or envisaged for the development of a systematic approach to the provision of support for children who have undergone traumatic experiences on account of the war.

Please provide more information on the measures being taken and the coordination of these efforts for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, in view of the increase in the reported incidence of juvenile delinquency.

Please provide further information on the arrangements which exist to monitor and inspect the conditions in correctional institutions. Please provide more information on the procedures for the submission of complaints. (Para. 170 of the report).

What measures other than those mentioned in para. 367 is the Government envisaging to undertake for the prevention and elimination of the problem of the sexual exploitation of children?

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland