List of issues : Seychelles. 14/06/2002.
CRC/C/Q/SEY/1. (List of Issues)

Convention Abbreviation: CRC
31st Session
Pre-sessional Working Group
10-14 June 2002

List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration
of the initial report of Seychelles (CRC/C/3/Add. 64)

Part I

Under this section the State party is request to submit in written form additional and updated information, if possible before 9 August 2002.

A. Data and Statistics, if available

1. Please provide updated demographic data of the under-18 population (disaggregated by gender, ethnic background and island) for the last three years (1999-2001).

2. In light of article 4 of the Convention, please provide specific disaggregated data (by age, gender, and island) on the amount and proportion of the national budgetary allocations and spending on social needs, preferably for the last three years (1999-2001). In particular, how much was spent on:

a) education (pre-primary, primary, secondary and vocational)
b) health care (including different types of health services for children, such as preventive health care programs in school, immunization programs, mental health care programs and reproductive health care)
c) children with disabilities (including specialized facilities, and upgrading of schools and other public facilities and services to ensure accessibility)
d) child protection services and programs to preventive programs for children at risk
e) the juvenile justice system, in particular juvenile detention facilities and community-based rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders

3. For children deprived of a family environment and separated from parents, please provide information, disaggregated by sex and age on the number of:

a) children placed in institutions
b) children adopted via domestic or inter-country adoption
c) children in foster care.4. With reference to child abuse, please provide annual statistical data for the last three years on:

a) the number of individual complaints received annually by police and other designated bodies in the last three years from victims under 18 (disaggregated by age, gender and type of abuse)
b) the number and percentage of complaints by victims under 18 years of age which have resulted in either a court decision or other types of follow-up (disaggregated by age and gender)
c) the number of child victims (disaggregated by age and gender) and vulnerable families that have received counseling and assistance for recovery and reintegration5. Please provide data from the last three years (disaggregated by sex, age, type of crime) on the number of children: h) under 12 years of age that have been detained in police custody or the Youth Residential Treatment Center (YRTC).

B. General Measures of Implementation

1. Please indicate whether there has been a comprehensive review of domestic legislation affecting children in order to ensure its compatibility with the principles and provisions of the Convention. Please indicate the status of the Convention in domestic law and whether it can be invoked directly by courts and administrative bodies. If yes, please provide examples of when this has occurred.

2. Please provide updated information on efforts to coordinate policies on the implementation of the Convention and whether these have also involved the National Council for Children and other civil society organizations. Please provide information on the status of the 1993 National Programme of Action for Children and indicate whether there has been any evaluation and/or follow-up to the Programme of Action.

3. Further, please provide information on the body set up to monitor the implementation of the Convention (including any mechanism to handle individual complaints from children), and clarify the role of the Ombudsman and whether his or her mandate includes the monitoring of children's rights.

4. Please provide information on measures taken to develop a data collection mechanism that will provide disaggregated statistical data on all issues covered by the Convention.

5. Please outline the measures taken to introduce a more systematic and sustainable approach to training, education and awareness-raising on the principles and provisions of the Convention, particularly among professional groups, including teachers, social workers, police, magistrates and others in the juvenile justice system, as well as amongst children, parents and the public at large.
Part II

Please provide copies of the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in all official languages of the State party as well as in other languages or dialects, when available. If possible, please submit these texts in electronic form.

Part III

Under this section, the State party is invited, whenever appropriate, to briefly (three pages maximum) update the information provided in its report with regard to:

- new bills or enacted legislation
- new institutions
- newly implemented policies
- newly implemented programmes

Part IV

The following is a preliminary list of major issues that the Committee intends to take-up during the dialogue with the State party. THEY DO NOT REQUIRE WRITTEN RESPONSES. This list is not exhaustive (and does not contain issues already covered in Part I) as other issues might be raised in the course of the dialogue.

The dialogue with the State party might include issues such as:

1. The implementation of the general principles of the Convention (articles 2, 3, 6 and 12), in particular the one of "best interests of the child" (article 3) and the on respect of the view of the child (article 12). The non-existence of individual complaints procedures either at the national level or within specific programs and services.

2. Resources allocated for children and the persistence of poverty.

3. The use of corporal punishment in the home and in schools.

4. Family structures, female-headed households and parental responsibilities.

5. Programs for the prevention, recovery and reintegration of victims of child abuse; enforcement of laws on child abuse and the work of the Family Tribunal.

6. The integration of children with disabilities into the education system, and their access to services and facilities in general.

7. Abuse of drugs and alcohol by children.

8. Teenage pregnancies and the exclusion of pregnant girls from school.

9. Measures to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

10. The juvenile justice system.

11. Conditions at the Youth Residential Treatment Center (YRTC).

12. Child prostitution and commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland