List of issues : Sudan. 16/12/92.
CRC/C.3/WP.3. (List of Issues)
Third session
Pre-sessional Working Group
14 to 18 December 1992


List of issues to be taken up in connection
with the consideration of the initial report of Sudan

I. Initial part of the report

1. Have any efforts been made to update the information contained in the section of the report concerning land and population, collected during a 1983 census, and is it intended to present this information in the future in a desegregated form by gender and other important variables?

2. What is the general legal framework for the protection of human rights?

3. Please explain how information on human rights in general is disseminated and publicized.

General measures of implementation
(articles 4, 42 and 44, paragraph 6, of the Convention)

4. What is the status of the Convention in internal law and is there a possibility of invoking its provisions before the courts?

5. With reference to the information contained in para. 4 of the report, please indicate what steps have been taken to harmonize Sudanese legislation with the provisions of the Convention.

6. Please indicate whether the members of the National Council for Childhood have been elected, and provide information on its administrative structure.

7. Please indicate what measures have been taken to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known to both adults and children?

8. Please provide Further detail of the process of preparing the report, in particular with regard to popular participation.

9. What concrete measures have been taken or are foreseen to make the report widely available to the public at large?

10. Please provide more information about the implementation of article 4 of the Convention in regard to the allocation "to the maximum extent of ... available resources" for the rights of the child. What proportion of the national budget is devoted to social expenditures (including health and education) for children?

11. To what extent is international cooperation designed so as to enhance the implementation of the Convention?

General principles

Non-discrimination (art. 2 of the Convention)

12. Please provide further information on the question of non-discrimination and indicate the measures taken to improve awareness of the issue among those groups most concerned, in particular female children, rural (including nomadic) children and children belonging to religions minorities.

13. Is the problem of discrimination of the girl child addressed in the education policy? What is being done to ensure the enrolment or girls in the schools?

14. Please provide information on the implementation of articles 3 and 12 of the Convention.

15. With regard to the provision of food relief, please indicate the ways in which the authorities are cooperating with non-governmental organizations to ensure that the actions taken in this regard are guided by the best interests of the child?

16. Please provide additional information on the ways in which children participate in publicizing the Convention?

17. Please provide clarifications on the possibility of children receiving money. Is this limited to inheritance and gifts or does it also apply to children who work? Are children free to manage their resources as they wish?

Definition of the child

18. Please give the minimum age for different types of employment and for completing compulsory education.

19. What is the age of criminal responsibility, in the light of article 40, para. 3 (a) of the Convention? Please provide additional information on the different ages referred to in the report in connection with children and the criminal law.

20. Please explain the definition of the child under criminal law, particularly the concept of the age of puberty and the way in which this provision is applied to girls and boys.

21. Please provide clarifications on the compatibility between the reference in the report to 18 as the minimum age for criminal responsibility and the reference to absolute crimes in which " the determination of age is thus not taken into account under the 1991 Criminal Act".

Civil rights and freedoms

22. Is Sudanese nationality granted to the child of a Sudanese mother married to a foreigner? Does the system of dual nationality exist?

23. Please indicate what measures have been taken to ensure that all children are registered after birth. (art. 7, para. 1, of the Convention)

24. Please provide further indications on how article 7, para. 2 of the Convention is being implemented, especially in cases where only the mother has Sudanese nationality.

25. Please provide further information on the effectiveness of the measures referred to in para. 43 of the report as regards the implementation of the right to freedom of expression. (art. 13 of the Convention)

26. Please indicate how the rights contained in article 14 of the Convention are enjoyed in practice in Sudan.

27. What measures and mechanisms have been established to implement the civil rights and freedoms provided for in articles 15 and 17 of the Convention?

28. Please indicate how article 47 of the 1991 Criminal Act, which refers to whipping for disciplinary purposes, is regarded as being compatible with article 37 (a) of the Convention.

29. Please provide more information on the Child Care Law of 1992 (para. 40 of the report).

Family environment and alternative care

30. Please provide further information on the concrete measures taken to implement the provisions of the Convention relating to family environment and alternative care matters, and the effectiveness of such measures, particularly with regard to articles 5, 9 and 18 of the Convention.

31. The report mentions the problem of the illicit transfer of children and that the Sudanese Government was requesting help from neighbouring countries and from international agencies in this regard. Please provide information on the extent of this problem and on the manner in which international cooperation has been forthcoming so far.

32. Please supply information concerning measures which may have been taken to resettle families and their children who have been evacuated to "peace cities".

Basic health and welfare

33. The information contained in this section of the report is mainly presented in the form of goals to be attained. Please provide details of the concrete steps taken to implement these goals and on the improvements registered with regard to the attainment of such goals since 1990.

34. Please indicate the percentage of disabled children who are saved through the programmes mentioned in paras. 69 to 77 of the report?

35. Please provide additional information on the measures adopted "with a view to abolishing traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children". (art. 24, para. 3, of the Convention)

Education, leisure and cultural activities

The information contained in this section is mainly presented in the forms ?als to be attained. Please describe any measures of implementation and vements.

What are the minimum and maximum ages for compulsory education?

Please clarify whether the system of education is similar in the north and ??? of the country.

Please provide information as to whether children may be taught in local wages in the schools.

How is article 29 of the Convention being implemented?

Special protection measures

What are the problems created for children due to migration from the south to the north What measures have been taken to provide for the special needs of children in this situation?

Most of the legislation mentioned in paras. 153 et seq. of the report dates from before ratification of the Convention. How is the conformity of the legislation with the provisions of the Convention being ensured? In particular, please provide clarifications on the following questions:

a) In which situations may children be deprived of their Liberty and as of what age?

b) How is it being guaranteed, in legislation and in practice, that deprivation of liberty is used only as a measure of last resort and for he shortest possible period of time?

c) In legislation and in practice, how are prompt access to legal and other assistance and the right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority being guaranteed?

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland