CRC, CRC/C/118 (2002)

Chapter I. Recommendation adopted by the Committee

on the Rights of the Child

Organization of work

Thirtieth session, recommendation


The Committee on the Rights of the Child,

            Noting with appreciation the exceptionally high number of States parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (191) and the rapid pace of ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (33), and the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict (33),

            Welcoming the relatively high reporting rate for initial reports by States parties under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (167 out of 191),

            Stressing the generally satisfactory quality of initial and periodic reports, as well as written responses to the list of issues, submitted by States parties under the Convention on the Rights of the Child,

            Concerned about the workload of the Committee, including the forthcoming challenge generated by new reporting obligations under the two Optional Protocols,

            Concerned in particular about the excessive length of some periodic reports submitted under the Convention,

            1.         Decides to review in the near future its guidelines for periodic reporting (CRC/C/58) in order to encourage States parties not to submit overly lengthy periodic reports;

            2.         Requests all States parties to the Convention to submit periodic reports that are concise, analytical and focus on key implementation issues, the length of which shall not exceed 120 standard pages;

            3.         Also requests all States parties to focus their periodic reports under the Convention in particular on two aspects of implementation aimed at:

            (a)       In the light of article 44 of the Convention, informing the Committee about progress made in the enjoyment of human rights by children, factors and difficulties affecting the degree of fulfilment of obligations under the Convention, and measures taken to implement the Committee’s concluding observations - by explicitly referring them - adopted with respect to the previous report of a State party and the ensuing dialogue;

            (b)       Informing the Committee about fundamental developments in the State party during the reporting period with regard to the human rights of children. In this regard, States parties should avoid repeating information already contained in previous reports submitted to the Committee, in the light of article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention;

            4.         Recommends that, in addition to providing information on legislative developments and the situation de jure, States parties give due attention in their periodic reports to analysing the situation de facto in the State party, including information on concrete measures taken to enhance the implementation of domestic and international legal provisions and principles and, if any, related limitations and obstacles.

804th meeting

7 June 2002



604. At its 804th meeting, held on 7 June 2002, the Committee adopted a recommendation on its methods of work in which it requested States parties to limit the length of their reports to 120 pages (see chap. I).